We had a great Halloween celebration this year. We invited everyone who was in town over for tacos and pictures. Then Summer and Claire helped us take Tommy, Eliza, Talmage, and Emme trick or treating. Emme loved getting treats and had to walk slowly so she could eat along the way. Talmage wanted to move faster so he could get some more!
Let's just talk about Talmage for a minute. It doesn't get more RADICAL than him. He's amazing. And he just wears the whole gear that makes it so fabulous!
Tommy and Clare are fantabulous as well! I love the Eliza is a witch too!! Oooo they are so wonderful. I'm soooooo anxious to get home. 7 weeks today!
Thanks for having us over. It was a great Halloween. Emme made it especially fun!
I dunno what it is, but I really do make the best nephews, don't I?
AMPW is right, though. Talmage the Triceritops is/was pretty amazing.
(See you soon!)
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